Under linux, you could use several drawing softwares to draw like: dia, kivio etc. A useful site for os alternative stuff is here.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Using the class THStack in root, you also use the option not to stack histograms on your canvas.
hs->Draw("nostack"); //no stack
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Research: how to download references out of SFU
Happenedly I need to download references out of SFU campus. One right way I have to follow is: find the jounal where destination reference is from on SFU library web page; connect the web page of the journal by SFU link; go to the place to find your journal. This is pretty easy when you are sitting your office on campus since all offices have unlimited access to those journal web pages. If you are home, you have to follow the rountine above. One easy way I just found is: if the linke of your reference is: http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v15/i2/p964_1
without SFU access permission. What you can do is change the link above to:
Note: I add a new part ".proxy.lib.sfu.ca" in red. Thus you could input your SFU account and password to download the reference if SFU library bought this journal.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Research: an useful reference
Click here for an useful online lecture of Statistical Thermodynamics of Materials
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
ROOT: how to use Scan
In ROOT (http:root.cern.ch), if you wanna to open remote root file and browse its structure or data, it is very slow if using tree->Draw() method. So, you could use tree->Scan() to browse data:
For example:
tree->Scan("a:b:c","","colsize=30 precision=3 col=::20.10:#x:5ld");
Will print 3 columns, the first 2 columns will be 30 characters long,
the third columns will be 20 characters long. The printing format used
for the columns (assuming they are numbers) will be respectively:
%30.3g %30.3g %20.10g %#x %5ld
Software: group by thread
In evolution (an email client software in linux), you could use ctrl+T to group your email by thread. Sometimes you cannot find email in order of receiving time, try to close this grouping.
Latex: How to use Bibtex in latex
Bibtex is a good choice when you have lots of references needed to be cited in different publications. You could build a base using bibtex and cite it in LaTeX.
In the *.tex file,
\nocite{*} %this means that listing all items in the bib file even though you didn't cite them.