Saturday, November 8, 2008

Linux:shell: awk: multiple separators

'awk' is a very useful shell command (also a program language) in linux (unix). You split one text line by it. For example, for the line

line="aa, b c , d , f "

what you can do in shell command (bash) is

echo $line|awk -F "," '{print $1 $2 $3 $4}' # to get different columns separated by ","

However, if you wanna split one line with multi-separators, then you could do in the way, for example,

$ line="aa, bb_ ccd: ee"
$ echo $line |awk -F ",|_|:" '{print $1$2$3}'

Note here "|" will do logic "OR" of all separators. This is similar 'egrep'. If you want to grep multi key words, then you could do in the same way (which has been addressed in my other blog, just search grep ).

1 comment:

ICS Cyber Security said...

It does eliminate the a and b's indeed, but it leaves the empty ()...
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