Monday, May 28, 2007

Research:WestGrid:Reprocessing: sam cannot find the name zhiyil

When I submit jobs (d0 data p20 reprocessing) to westgrid, once my keberos expired, I have to type my password again to re-create keberos certificate. However, even I type correct password, I was still given the following error: zhiyil cannot be found.

The solution should be:
remove the file /tmp/PROXY_zhiyil

But sometimes they are not working. Confused....
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/bin/samg", line 179, in ?
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/bin/samg", line 175, in main
File "", line 262, in samg_submit
File "", line 133, in translate
File "", line 157, in translateDoc
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/lib/jim_client/", line 862, in checkSemantic
File "/home/parag/wspace/samgrid/V7/JIMSUITE/jim_client/lib/jim_client/", line 828, in checkSemantic
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/lib/jim_client/", line 887, in createAttribute
attr = Attribute.factory(token, self.context)
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/lib/jim_client/", line 515, in factory
File "/export/D0_products/ups/prd/jim_client/NULL/v3_0_1/lib/jim_client/", line 326, in createDatasetfromDimension
sam_user = jim_client_util.getUserName()
File "/home/parag/wspace/samgrid/V7/JIMSUITE/jim_client/lib/jim_client/", line 177, in getUserName
File "sam_common_pylibSamCommand/", line 81, in __call__
File "sam_common_pylibSamCommand/", line 251, in __call__
File "sam_common_pylibSamCommand/", line 243, in apiWrapper
File "sam_user_pyapi/src/", line 317, in implementation
File "sam_common_pylibSamCorba/", line 257, in _callRemoteMethod
File "sam_common_pylibSamCorba/", line 266, in handleCall
SamException.SamExceptions.PersonNotFound: GridSubject with name '/DC=gov/DC=fnal/O=Fermilab/OU=People/CN=Zhiyi Liu/USERID=zhiyil' not found.

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