Monday, August 13, 2007

Network: a problem about 'Connection reset by peer'

When I log in a remote computer by ssh from my home and if I keep it inactive for a while (for example, 10 mins), I often was kicked out with the message, for example:

Read from remote host Connection reset by peer

This happened probably because a firewall or other packet filtering device (such as your router) drops idle connections after a certain period of time.

A solution based on the ssh server side
can be found here (Dugan provided me with this solution):

Simply speaking, the solution is add a line

ClientAliveInterval 300

in the file:


and reload the sshd server configuration with

/sbin/service sshd reload

Another solution based on client side provided by my colleage Horst at Fermilab is:
to add

echo 300 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time

into the file /etc/rc.local

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