Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Latex: change row color of table

An example here:

(if you use pdflatex and/or beamer, perhaps you need to transit 'table' by
\documentclass[xcolor=table..]{beamer} or you will have an error like:
! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.



AlfC said...

thank you for the post. The results are beautiful. Now, I have a problem, how do I restore the default colors after this.
This settings also affect the subsequent math environments "array" and "cases".

ilMartins said...

from the moment you write


in all tables, arrays and else you'll see alternate colors for the rows, but it's quite the command


so, if you want to came back and have always again all rows white coloured, after the table you have to color write the command


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