Thursday, October 23, 2008

Latex: subfigure: how to get rid of 'counter' of subcaption

The subfigure 's tutorial

If you want to get rid of 'counter' in front of your sub-captions, use to redefine the command: \thesubfigure by:


(originally one in subfigure.sty is



Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Linux:command: du and quota

My disk quota is full on my account at Fermilab (.../home/zhiyil/desktop/...). So I have to clean to get more rooms to store files to SAM. Use the command:

du -s * .[a-zA-Z]* | sort -n

get an idea of which file is the largest one so that you could deal with them.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Linux:command:shell: diff

One of layouts of printout of the command 'diff' is called: --side-by-side or -y which is also useful. Change the column width, just use

-W columns

. An example:

diff --side-by-side -W 130 file1.txt file2.txt

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Linux:command: seq

When printing a sequence of numbers, use 'seq'. One of arguments is '-w' or '--equal-width' which will equalize width by padding with leading zeros.

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